GROW Observatory was an ambitious and innovative EU-funded Horizon 2020 project (2017-2020) that enabled a community of citizens in growing, measuring and sharing data on sustainable land use. This three year project inspired citizens across Europe to find out more about their soils and crops while providing scientists with data to improve models on climate change, flooding and fire risk.
The partner organisations in GROW Observatory spanned across Europe (18 partners in 9 countries) – and shared an interest in sustainable food growing, soil, climate, open data, accessible technology, and the incredible things that can happen when people come together to make change.
The design role focused on the development of online learning resources for a series of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) based on permaculture principles, and creating all animations, workshop materials, toolkits, publicity assets such as printed marketing material, signage and reports. Our studio has a keen interest in permaculture as well as soil health and regeneration, and to be able to contribute to such a large project that promotes the importance of sustainable land practices across Europe was very inspiring and personally motivating.
Animation, Illustration, Print Design, Social Media, UX design